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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

 Thank you for choosing our services. This privacy policy is intended to explain our practices regarding the collection, use, and protection of your personal information. Please read this policy carefully to understand how we handle your personal information.

 Information Collection and Use

1.1 Information We Collect

When you use our services, we may collect the following types of personal information:


Information You Provide: including but not limited to your name, contact information, mailing address, payment information, etc.;

Automatically Collected Information: our website and applications may automatically collect information about your device such as IP address, browser type, operating system, etc.;

Cookies and Similar Technologies: we use cookies and similar technologies to improve user experience and provide personalized services.

1.2 Information Use

We will use your personal information for the following purposes:

 Providing, operating and maintaining our services;

Processing your orders and payments;

Sending you notifications related to your purchases and account;

Providing customer support and after-sales service;

Analyzing and improving our services.

Information Sharing and Protection

2.1 Information Sharing

We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information to third parties unless we obtain your permission or as required by law. However, we may share your personal information with the following third parties:

 Service Providers We Cooperate With: in order to provide services, we may cooperate with third parties and share your personal information;

Legal Requirements: when we are required by law to share your information, we will comply with legal procedures.

2.2 Information Protection

We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. However, due to the nature of the internet, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of data transmitted over the internet.

 Cookies and Similar Technologies

Our website and applications may use cookies and other similar technologies to collect and store information about you. These technologies help us improve user experience, analyze website traffic, and provide personalized advertising and content.

 Third-Party Website Links

Our services may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites, and you should consult and understand their privacy policies when accessing these links.

 Updates to Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. The updated privacy policy will be posted on our website and be effective upon the date of publication. We encourage you to check this privacy policy periodically to understand our information handling practices.

 Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us using the following methods:
